Adorabnole - atdn.
Adnolation (Adulation + Nole) - What we feel for Nole! :D
Angrynole (Angry + Nole) - Don't mess with angrynole! :O
Articnole (Article + Nole) - any article about Nole.
Babynole - Nole as a baby.
B&WNole - A hot photo of Nole in black and white.
Beautinole (beautiful + Nole) - any photo of Nole is beautinole.
Bendynole - Look how bendy our Nole is...
Blacknole - Nole dressed in black, blackNole is sexy!
Bluenole - Nole dressed in blue, some love BlueNole the best.
BOAT - 1. Bravest of all time 2. Bestest of all time (I know bestest is not a word but it sounds better than "best of all time").
BootiNOLEsious - nole's booty.
Brillianolet (Brilliant + Nole) - any brilliant move from Nole on and off the court.
Burnoling (burning + Nole) - 1. How we feel when we see hotnole. 2. Burning Nole - for when he's on fire (look wise/game wise)!
CallingInSnoleick - when you call work and say you are off sick, but are really at home watching a Nolematch.
Championole - Nole is a special champion so we need a new word for the champion he is.
Crazynole - 1. crazy Nole, 2. crazy about Nole, 3. crazy because of Nole.
Cutenole - a cute photo/video/action/dance of Nole (or anything connected to Nole that's cute).
Cutenoless (Cuteness + Nole) - the dangerous disease Nole spreads by being cute.
Dangernolous - 1. Dangerous Nole. 2. Something dangerous that's related to Nole somehow! :O
2. Watching the photo is dangernolous...Watching the video is even more dangernolous! ;)
Dizzynole - what we feel when we see hotnole/cutenole photos.
Djokofever - Fever caused by Nole.
Djokolate - Special chocolate.
Djokoholic (Djokovic + alcoholic) - A girl/woman addicted to Nole.
Fairytanole (Fairytale + Nole) - Nole's life-story.
Fanoletastic (fantastic + Nole) - 1. anything
fantastic Nole does, 2. another adjective to describe Nole.
Fashionole (Fashion + Nole) - when Nole dresses well we can call him that.
Feenolings (feelings + Nole) - our feelings for Nole, feelings provoked by Nole.
Flawnoless - Flawless Nole! :D
Forgivenoless - What we have to ask from Nole when he's mad at us for whatever reason.
Founoledation - Nole's foundation.
Frienolendship (Nole + friendship) - 1. What we have with Nole, 2. what we have with each other because of Nole (Nole brings people together).
Funole (Fun + Nole) - atdn.
Funnynole (Funny + Nole) - atdn.
Gorgenoleous - Gorgeous Nole! <3
Graynole (gray + Nole) - Nole looks Nolegreat even in grey.
Greenole (green + Nole) - Nole in green = Nolicious.
Handsole (handsome + Nole) - atdn.
Hornoly (Horny + Nole) - Nole makes us horny when he looks like this... :P
Hotnole - atdn.
Hotnolesprings - Would like to take a deep in them! :P
Impersonolation (Nole-impersonation) - We love to watch impersonolations, the funniest impersonations ever.
Impossibnole (Impossible + Nole) - Something that seems impossible but Nole still manages to do.
insommnolia - Sleepless night because of Nole, after those nights we need some Nolecare(although that would be nice all the time).
King-Konole (King-Kong + Nole) - When Nole thumps his chest he's king-konole!
Kinoller (Killer + Nole) - When he hits you with his best shot you noledie on the spot, You can't Nolesurvive!
Knoleckout - knockout from Nole, no player wants to experience that.
Knolife (Knife + Nole) - Be careful Federer, Murray, Rafa and anyone who needs to face Nole, if you don't want to be stabbed with a knolife!
Menoledication - medication you need to take before, during or after watching Nole's matches, or after seeing pictures that do not have a warnoling.
Messagnole (Message + Nole) - messgae to/from Nole.
Minollennium (Millennium + Nole) - The millennium we live in.
Miracnoles (Miracles + Nole) - atdn.
Murdnoler - A nic for Murderous Nole ;)
Nolability (Nole + ability) - His ability is awesome or Nolability - King of the court!
Nolaction (Nole + action) - Our Nole loves action.
Nolambassador - Nole's an amazing Nolammbassador for Serbia and the sport of tennis, and Unicef.
Nolambulance (Nole + ambulance) - sometimes, we might also need the nolambulance to make sure we get to the Nolenurse on time to take the Noleshots!
Nolamnesia - An amnesia caused by Nole! :P
Nolandy - The Nole & Andy rivalery.
Nolangel (Nole + angel) - Nole is such an angel most of the time, especially compared to other players and people in general! :)
Nolanguage (Nole + language) - our new Nole language.
Nolaptop (Nole + laptop) - don't you want one?
Nolarious (Nole + hilarious) - 1. atdn, 2. something hailarious Nole did or about Nole.
Nolarmclock (Nole = alram-clock). Also see, NoleRoarAlarmClock (NRAC).
Nolart (Nole + art) - love it! :)
Nolassessment (Nole + assessment) - An assessment made by Nole or about him.
Nolaugh (Nole + luagh) - 1. Nole's laugh, 2. laugh caused ny Nole.
1. The Nolaugh starts at 0:37 :D
Nolaughty (Nole + Naughty) - atdn.
Nolawesome - atdn.
Nole-a-holic - another nic for a fanatic Nolfan, see also Djokoholic ;)
Nolears (Nole + ears) - Nole's ears are so cute.
Nolebaby - Nole's future baby.
Noleback - Nole's hot back.
Nolebag - the Nolebag is full of surprises.
Nolebagel - a 6-0 set Nole wins.
Nolebakery - makes Nolebagels and Nolebreadsticks.
Nolebear - don't wake the Nolebear! :o
Nolebest - Anything to do with Nole is Nolebest! <3
Nolebitches - We're all Nole's bicthes here, girls! :P
Noleboat - We're all in the same Noleboat, ladies! :P
Nolebomb - Be careful Federer, Murray, Rafa and anyone who needs to face Nole, you don't want the Nolebomb to hit you! Lol!
Nolebook - 1. A Nole notebook, 2. A book about Nole or a book writen by Nole.
Nolebooze - the booze you need to drink to survive a Nolecostar.
Nolebrainwash - What Nole did to us! :P
Nolebreadstick - a 6-1 set Nole delivers.
Nolebreak - 1. A Break Nole makes at a match. 2. A sad break for us from Noletennis when he's not palying.

Nolebutt - Nole's perfecrt butt! :P
Nolebye - It's so hard to say Nolebye! :'(
Nolecandy - who deoesn't want one? ;)
Nolecap - what Nole wears in hot days so he can Nolefight and Nolewin.
Nolecare - We all want some TLC from Nole... don't we, girls?
Nolecation (Nole + vacation)- 1. Nole's vacation, 2. sad vacation for us from Nole.
Nolecemetery - Were we are all headed! :o
Nolecentury - this century his called the Nolecentury.
Nolechat - 1. chat with Nole, 2. chat about Nole.
Nolechallenge - 1. A challenge made by Nole during a match 2. A challenge Nole has to face. 3. A challenge posed to us by Nole or a challenge concerning Nole we decide to take on.
Nolecharity - Nole's charity work.
Nolechoke - Choke caused by Nole (and Berdych, for example, has it bad... lol).
Noleclone - Don't you wish someone cloned Nole and you could get a Noleclone? I do! :P
Nolecolours - The colours Nole wears.
Nolecoma - The only coma you never wanna wake up from! :P
Nolecombo - A special deadly combo of Nolefeatures.
Nolecomment - comment said by/about about a Nolephoto/Nolevideo/Nolepost etc.
Nolecord (Nole + record) - a record set by Nole.

Nolecpr (Nole + cpr) - Who wouldn't want a mout to mouth from Nole? :P
Nolecross - Nole's cross.
Nolecult - The name of the elite #NoleFam group, Nole is the cult leader of course! :P
Noledance - we love the Noledance, don't we? ;)
Noledead - What happens to a Nolegirl when she sees a hot/cute Nolephoto/Nolevideo!
Noledecade - the decade we live in.
Noleday - every day is a Noleday for us, his Nolefans but to be more specific you can say it's a day Nole plays.
Noledetox - what we go through when we're on a Nolebreak (using drugs and alcohol to replace Nole isn't healthy ;) ).
Noledevil (Nole + devil) - Nole can be quite a little divel when he wants to, teasing us and even giving us heart-attacks on purpose (i.e. some of the photos he sends us)! ;)
Noledisease - a disease cused by being an avid Nolefan.
Noledistraction - a Nole related distraction! Occurs a lot! :P
Noledoctor - a person who tries to saves our lives when we suffer from Nolettacks.
Noledoomed - We're all doomed to Nolehell for Noleternity! :O
Noledoor - don't let the Noledoor hit you on your way out, Nolehaters! Lol!
Noledrama - Nole loves to create Noledrama ;)
Noledream - 1. Nole's dream, 2. a dream about Nole.
Noledying - dying because of Nole :P
Nolefam - our family! :D ❤
Nolefamlove - The love Nolefam shares for Nole and each other.
Nolefan - a fan of Nole.
Nolefeature - a feature of Nole (Nolebutt for example :P).
Nolefever - a fever caused by Nole.
Nolefight - 1. Nole's fight in matches and life, 2. a fight over Nole with haters. 3. A fake playful fight.
Nolefire - a fire caused ny Nole.
NolefireBrigade - the fire brigade you need when you are on fire after seeing Beautifnole Nolepics.
Nolefix - What all of us Noleholics crave so much everyday.
Noleflowers - Flowers for Nole :D <3
Noleforget - To forget something because of Nole.
Noleforum - a forum about Nole.
Nolefull - when we get to see Nole a lot we feel Nolefull.
Nolefun - the fun we have because of Nole.
Nolegame - 1. a game won by Nole. 2. a game we play during the long Noleless days.
Nolegant (Nole + Elegant) - atdn.
Nolegap - The awful gap between Noletimes! :(
Nolegacy (Nole+legacy) - The legacy Nole will leave behind after his retirement.
Noleghost - A fan who Noledies becomes a Noleghost! :P
NoleGPS - What we need to get to Nole! :P
Nolegrant - A grant given by Nole.
Nolegrave - Were we're all aheaded :(
Nolegrunt - Nole's grant which is sooooo Nolehot!
Nolegun - The Nolegun will kill you!
Nolehat - another word for Nolecap.
Nolehater - a crazy person who suffers from Nolehatred.
Nolehive - We're all the Nolants (us) live. Our queen will be either yours truly or miss Liddle, depends on who wins the war we've just declared.
Noleholic (Nole + alcoholic) - What I am.
Nolehospital - a special hospital for Nolefans.
Nolehug - a special hug Nolegives to lucky people.
Nolejacket - I love watching Nole wears Nolejackets.
Nolejinx - anything that can jinx Nole.
Nolejoke - 1. a joke told by Nole, 2. a joke told about Nole.
Nolekill - What we try to do to each other when we post Nolephotos and Nolevideos.
Nolekiss - what I want to get more than anything in this world, a kiss from Nole.
Nolekit - Nole's kit.
Nolelastic (Nole + elastic) - atdn.
Nolell (Nole + Hell) - what he gives his opponents.
Noleless - lack of Nole.
Noleloan - We hope Jelena will give us a Noleloan one day and land us Nole for a few days ;)
Nolelocator - The Nolemachine we need to locate Nole.
Nolelove - what we all feel every second of the day, especially when we see/hear Nole.
Nolemafia - Secret group so shhhhhh...Don't let people know that you know it even exsist and don't there guess who are her members! :P
Nolemagic - what Nole does on and off the court is pure Nolemagic.
Nolematch - a match played by Nole.
Nolememory - a memory concerning Nole.
Nolementalhospital - my home for the last 6 years! :P
Nolemergency - Nole related emergency :P
Nolemergencyservices - we call them for help after having a Noletteck.
Nolemojo - Nole's mojo.
Nolemoment - we have many sweet/funny/happy Nolemoments.
Nolemonth - a month of Noletennis.
Nolemove - any move Nole does on court.
Nolenate - what Nole does to his opponents when he beats them.
Nolenchanted - Enchanted by Nole, i.e. me! :P Nole's a Nolenchanter! :P
Nolenchanter - Nole chants and we come running... :P
Nolenergy (Nole + Energy) - Nole's energy that seems to never end.
Nolenerves - our nerves before and during a Nolematch.
Nolenight - 1. a night we spend watching Nole playing a Nolenightmatch, 2. a night where we have Noledreams.
Nolenightowl - Nole is a night owl, likes playing at night! :P
Nolenurse - a special nurse that you need when you are Noledying or have a Nolillness, when Noleshots or Mednolecation hasn't worked during Nolematches, or you see pictures that did not have a warnoling.
Noleverdict - Nolejudge is the only one who can sentence his Nolecharges and you can't Nolappeal his verdict.
Nolenvious - a person who suffers from Nolenvy.
Nolevil (Nole + evil) - atdn.
Nolpaper (wallpaper + Nole) - I love making Nolepapers.
Nolepants (Noletightpants and Nolehotpants are the naughtier versions).
Noleparty - the party we throw when Nole wins (or just whenever we see him anywhere).
Nolepic (Nole + epic) - 1. Something epic related to the epic Nole.
Nolepoem - A poem written about Nole.
by moran
You thrill us on the court
and make us laugh a lot
Your tennis is pure magic
your charisma? Epic!!!
Your passion simply endless
leaves us all breathless
You have so much desire
that burns inside you like fire
You suffered from allergies
and straggled in rallies
But now you're done with gluten
and ready for action
You're light on your feet
and possess lots of grit
You get to every ball
You're like a human wall
You return like a dream
and make opponents scream
You use your brain
and make them go insane
You refuse to lose
you won't sing the blues
You will rise like the falcon
there's no other option
With the heart of a lion
you can beat any titan
With the soul of a little boy
you hold a trophy like it's a toy
You're a huge patriot
and your people love you lots
You're Serbia's greatest ambassador
and her reputation you'll restore
The pleasure you offer is priceless
no words can do you justice
But still I hope that with this little poem
you see exactly where my heart belongs
Nolepoetry (Nole + poetry) - Poetry about/that reminds us of Nole :)
Nolepoint - Point won by Nole.
Nolepoison - Any deadly Nolephoto or Nolevideo is a nolepoison! :O
Nolepose - a pose Nole gives the camera.
Nolepost - a post about Nole.
Nolepostage - a specail mail-postage with Nole's pic on it.
Noleprank - A funny prank done by nole.
Nolepride/Noleproud - what we always feel for Nole, win or lose.
Noleprize - A prize given to us by Nole. Could be a Nolesmile, a Nolroar, etc :)
Noleproject - a project for Nole.
Nolequote - a quote from/about Nole.
Nolera (Nole + era) - We live in the Nolera.
Nolereplay - A Replay of a Nolematch.
Nolerepreive - A special repreive Nolegranted by Nolejudge.
Nolereturn - A Nole return a.k.a best shot in the world (or second best after the NoleBH).
Nolereward - See Noleprize.
Nolero (Nole + hero) - Nole's a special hero, our Nolero.
Noleroar - we all know and love the famous noleroar and want to hear it as much as possible.
NoleRoarAlarmClock (NRAC) - The name says it all :)
Noleruin - Somepeople try to ruin stuff like Nolechats and annoy Nolefans but luckily it's nolimpossible! :D
Nolerumor - A rumor spread about Nole.
Nolerview (Nole + interview) - We love Nolerviews, especially after wins!
Nolervous (Nole + nervous) - what we feel before and during Nole's matches.
Nolesanta - Nole when he's in the mood to deliver gifts or when it's Xmas ;)
Nolesaver (screensaver + Nole) - We all have that, right?
Nolescription (Nole + description) - No Nolwords could create a proper Nolescription. Nole's beyond Nolewords.
Nolesearch - A search for Nole.
Noleseous (Nole + Nauseous) - I feel noleseous before Nole's matches.
Noleset - a set won by Nole.
Noleshirt/NoleTshirt - sometimes we like it, sometimes we hate it, but we all agree that we prefer it off...
Noleshirtrip - Nole's hot shirt rip... remember how hot he looked while ripping his shirt after winning AO in 2012?

Noleshot - 1. Nole's tennis shot, 2. A shot of Nole (like a shot of Tequila) or 3. A shot you need to get. before/during/after a Nolematch.
Noleslide - definitely should be special name for it no one can slide like Nole.
Nolesnob - Nole can be a snob when he wants to be and let us know he's too hot for us! :P
Nolesomething - something to do with Nole.
Nolesong - a song that reminds us of Nole, like "Call me maybe" or "Without you".
Nolesound - any sound Nole makes.
Nolespace - we need more space for Nole in our lives ;)
Nolespam - no such thing! ;)
Nolespark - the spark in Nole's eyes/game.
Nolespell - We're all under Nole's spell! :O :P
Nolespirit - Nole's amazing spirit.
Nolesplit - Nole's specialty! :O :P
Nolestalking - Stalking after Nole! :P
Nolestar - our star! :D <3
Nolestalgy (Nole + Nolstalgy) - We get Nolestalgy about youngnole now and we'll look at these days in Nolestalgy too, one day.
Nolestamina - Nole's amazing stamina during matches.
Nolestocking - Nole's Xmas stocking :D
Nolestreak - Nole's special streak last year.
Nolestuff - Any stuff regarding Nole :P
Nolesugar - too sweet Nolephotos/Nolevideos/Nolewhateve.
Nolesuicide - being a Nolefan is one long sucicide attempt... we know it's too dangerous but we still choose to go on this path...we're Nolecrazy! :P
Nolesuit - We love seeing Nole in a nice Nolesuit!
Nolesurvive - when you survive a Nolettack ;)
Nolesward (the sward Noldiator uses) - be careful Federer, Murray, Rafa and anyone who needs to face Nole, if you don't want to be stabbed with a Nolesward! Lol.
Noleteam- Nole's team.
Noletease - Nole likes to tease us,his Nolegirlfans...Rmember this? :O
Noletennis - what we love to watch.
Nolethread - a thread dedicated to Nole.
Noletime - Nole's match time, what we're anxiously waiting for all the time between one match to another.
Noletisis - Infectious disease we are all suffering from...we don't wanna be cwered tough ;)
Noletopic - any topic about Nole.
Noletorious (Nole + victorious) - what Nole is after he wins.
Noletough (Nole + tough) - what we must be when Nole's being a bad boy and playing like shit.
Noletowel - we're all jealous of the Noletowel cause we want to wipe the sweat of Nole's face and body.
Noletreat - a treat from Nole, could be a Nolephoto/Nolevideo/Nolewhatever.
Noletrophy - 1. a thropy Nole won, 2. A Nole trophy we plan to make one day cause any Nolefan should have a little Noletrophy to take home.
Noletruth - The truth about Nole.
Nolettack (Nole + heart-attack) - what Nole causes us during Nolecostars.
Noletter - letter to/from Nole.
Noletween - Don't you wish Nole had a tween brother? Noletween is a nice thing to imagine! :)
Noletweet - tweet to/from Nole.
Noleurotic - a neurotic Nolefan like me.
Nolevideo - video about Nole.
Nolewall - Nole's brilliant defence.
Noleway - Nole likes things done his own unique way! ;)
Noleweak (Nole + weak) - we're weak when it's come to Nole and forgive him too damn soon every time.
Noleweapon - what Nole uses to beat his opponents (his Noleserve, Nolereturn, NoleBH, NoleFH, Nolelob, Nolesmash, Nolevolley, Noledropshot...).
Noleweek - a week of Noletennis.
Noleweekend - a weekend of Noletennis.
Nolewhatever - anything about Nole.
Nolewin - a nole win.
Nolewink - A Nole wink! ;)
Nolewish - I am sure we all have lots of Nolewishes.
Nolewolf - Nole transform into a man-wolf during some of hsi matches, especially DC matches :)
Noleword - every word here is a Noleword, a word to describe Nole or how he affects us, or has anything to do with him.
Nolework - Work done for Nole.
Noleworld - this is a Noleworld.
Nolexciting (Nole+ exciting) - atdn.
Nolexcuse - a pathetic excuse an opponent makes when Nole beats him, when he just can't accept he has been Nolenated by Noleshots, Nolawesomeness and Nolemagic.
Nolexecution (Nole+ execution) - Don't make Nolejudge mad or you'll be Nolexcuted! :O
Nolexpert - 1. A special doctor who specializes in treating Nolefans who suffer from all kind of Nolediseases.
Nolexy (Nole + sexy) - atdn.
Noleyawn - Nole's cute when he yawns.
Noleyoga - Nole yoga practice.
Noleyear - a year owned by Nole like 2011 or 2012 or every year Nole plays in.
Noleyes - Nole's eyes - obviously you can't use this to talk about anyone else as no one else has Nole's beautiful, beautiful eyes.
NOLEzing (Nole + amazing) - atdn.
Nolician (Nole + magician) - atdn.
Nolicious (Nole + delicious) - shirtlessnole is extra Nolicious.
Noliction (Nole + addiction) - an addiction to Nole.
Nolictionary - the Nole dictionary.
Noliday (Nole + Holiday) - 1. a Nole holliday, a special day for Nole and us 2. an holiday Nole takes.
Nolie (Nole + lie) - A lie told about Nole.
Nolife (Nole + life) - a nolefan life.
Nolightning - The nolightning does strike twice in the same place, just ask Federer ;)
Nolillness - illness caused by Nole.
Nolimpossible - Many things are Nolimpossible, like us ever stopping loving him! <3
Nolink (Nole + link) - any link connected to a Nolephoto/Nolarticle/Nolevideo.
Nolinterview - any intreview that features Nole.
Nolips (or Nolesweetlips) - Nole's lips.
Nolique (Nole + Unique) - atdn.
Nolistory (Nole + History) - 1. Nole's history 2. Our history as Nolefans.
Nolive (Nole + live) - Live Nole tennis/chat.
Nollercoaster - The Nollercoaster ride is the craziest, scariest, funnest ride you'll ever take in you life, guaranteed!
Nolobesessed - What we all are.
Nolocator - A Nole locator, something we desperately need with us 24/7!
Nolonging - Longing for Nole! :'(
Nolose (Nole + nose) - I love Nole's nose, it got character.
Nolottery (Nole+lottery) - 1. Nole gambles during matches, 2. We all one the Nolottery when we became his fans.
Nolucinating - Hallucinating about Nole.
Novakingway - Thanks for that Robbie K.
Novhawkeye - Nole's usually right in his challenges so the hawkeye system should be named after him.
Noyo yo - Nole's game is up and down like a yo yo! :P
Originole (Original + Nole) - atdn.
OverNOLEdoze - What we suffer after too much Nolefixes.
Overnolewhelmed - Overwhelmed by Nole! Sometimes we're so overnolewhelmed, we get into a Nolecoma! :O
Passionole (Passion + Nole) - atdn.
Perfectionole - atdn.
Perfectionolist (Perfectionist + Nole) - Perfectionist person who loves Nole, a.k.a yours truly! ;)
PhenomeNOLE - atdn.
Pinknole - Nole looks Nolepretty in Pink! :P
Pistnole (Pistol + Nole) - When you see it, you should run!
Planolet (Nole + plant) - The planet we live on.
Poisonolous (poisonous + Nole) - atdn.
Profinole (Profile + Nole) - I love Nole's profile!
Purpnole (Purple + Nole) - Nole in purple.
Recordnloing - A recording of a Nolematch we sadly have to miss cause we need to sleep or go to work.
RedNole - Nole dressed in red, I love RedNole the best!
Rifnole (Rifle + Nole) - It will shot you in the heart!
ShirtNOLEss - shirtless Nole.
Sleepynole - Nole's cute and even hot when he's sleeping!
Sminole (Smile + Nole) - Nole's beautiful smile.
Snoleday (Snow + Nole + day) - A snowy day passed by watching Nole play and/or looking at his photos... :D
Stunoling (Stunning + Nole) - atdn.
SubstanoleceAbusse - what we're all suffering from.
Supernolestition - superstation regarding Nole.
Sweetnole - adtn.
TheNoleShot - the shot against Federer in USO SF 2011 and if you want the one against Murray this year in shanghai can be called that too (or THE Noletweener).
Unoleverse (Universe + Nole) - our universe.
Warnoling (Warning + Nole) - what we have to put before every video or photo of Nole ;)
Wetnole - atdn.
Whitnole (white + Nole) - Nole looks like a Nolangel in white! <3
Winknolling (winking + Nole) - What Nole does every tiem he smiles at us! :P
Winnoler (winner + Nole) - 1. what Nole is, a special winner 2. a winner made by Nole.
Withnoledrawl (symptoms) - withdrawal symptoms we suffer from when you're Noleless, get ready cause next week the suffering begins again...
Workingathonoleme - when you say you are working at home, but are really watching a Nolematch.
Youngnole - Young Nole.
*atdn - adjective to describe Nole