What off court activities that Nole has done do you like best, like Monte Carlo party or wing tennis perhaps?
First, I loved it when Johnny Mac went down after Nole started imitating him and played with him a bit, it was so hilarious, so I pick this ine as my favourite. Here's the visoe of it:
I also loved the fashion show Nole did in Montreal 2007, it's was great fun plus he looked so fine there. Here's a little reminder (4:30 - 4:40):
And here's another one:
and finally look at this pic:
The commercial where he imitates Sharapova is great too:
P.S. I also love everything else Nole's ever done off-court (the dancing, singing, imitations, commercials...).
Who do you think Nole should play mixed doubles with if he was inclined to play them, as we know he does sometimes?
Anna Ivanovic. I really enjoyed watching Anna and Nole playing together in Hopman Cup 2011 so I think Nole should keep playing with her. They looked beautiful out there and kept smiling and laughing...It was great! Besides, he's my favourite men's player and she's my favorite women's player, so seeing them play together is double the fun for me.

Anna Ivanovic. I really enjoyed watching Anna and Nole playing together in Hopman Cup 2011 so I think Nole should keep playing with her. They looked beautiful out there and kept smiling and laughing...It was great! Besides, he's my favourite men's player and she's my favorite women's player, so seeing them play together is double the fun for me.
If Nole was a food, what type of food would he be?
Hot Pepper - Nole is passionate and got fire in his belly and he's hot (wink).
Did/Do you have any superstitions about Nole's matches? Rituals you did/do because you think/thought it will help him? And If so, what are/were they?
I used to have a stupid superstition about Nole-fed matches since AO and up until RG. I realized after the AO SF that Nole won his last two matches vs Fed there and in USO SF 2010 after I missed the few minutes of the match, so thought maybe it brought him luck somehow. Anyway, because of my new superstition I missed the few minutes of the next matches in Dubai and IW on purpose and he won but in RG it didn't work so realized it was stupid and stopped it. I know now it was stupid to think that my actions can affect the outcome of a match so don't believe in superstitions anymore, only in not jinxing.
What should Nole do for a living after he retires?
Well, I talked about this subject a couple of months ago with Sarah and Janet and I decided he should be a movie star and star in American action/comedy blockbusters. This way we can all still watch and enjoy him and besides, he would be perfect for such roles because he's got the athleticism needed for action stunts, the developed sense of humor needed for comedy and the right look to make all girls scream and faint when they see him in premieres.
If you could give Nole some advice, what would it be?
1. Don't ever change and become a sore loser and a greedy player like Federer, winning lots of GS and becoming one of the greats (in other people eyes, in mine you're the GOAT already) is something I wish for you and believe you can achieve but it isn't everything and you can do even greater things after your tennis career is over so...2. Don't ever say all you know is tennis!
3. Always keep smiling and don't take things too seriously - Tennis is just sport, not life and death.
4. Don't listen to the Haters and keep being yourself, always, cause we like just the way you are.
5. Don't ever forget the really important things in life (family, friends...) and always remember that being a good person is more important than being a great player.
6. Look after your body. Don't make sacrifices that might put your career in jeopardy. Only play when you're fully fit. Your health comes first.
7. Don't let the sponsors turn you into a product, your uniqueness is like a breath of fresh air.
Describe Nole with just one word and attach a pic/quote
My word is Passionate
P.S. My second word is Patriot - "The war made me a better tennis player because I swore to myself that I'd prove to the world that there are good Serbs, too." and of course this year DC proves it more than anything.
Which past player does Nole remindes you of in his game style?
I think Nole's style of game is very similar to Agassi's and I heard many experts say it. Agassi was a great mover and returner just like Nole.
Nole = inspiration for me. That is the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking of Nole:-)
Thanks for sharing Billie; inspiration is another great word to describe our Nole :)
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