1. The smile
2. The brilliant game!
3. The fist pimp
5. The animal roar
6. The head pointing
7. The celebration
8. The Halloween costume
9. His patriotism
10. His beautiful eyes
11. His humour and friendship with the other Serbian players
12. His graciousness in defeat.. Didnt want to put a pic for this one, it is not the time or place for a pic of Nole losing...
13. Nole and Jelena 
14. The
determination/desire to win (I love the "killer's eyes" in this photo)
15. His wonderful sense of humor
16. The big heart
17. His overwhelming passion for winning
18. His humility
19. The Impressions
21. Proving Lightning does strike twice in the same place - Flushing Meadows
20. His life story
22. His love for his brothers (and his family in general)
23. His love for his fans
24. His sportsmanship (he's always gracious both in victory and defeat, applauds his opponents great shots...)
25. His humanitarian work (especially with/for
kids in Serbia)
26. His faith
27. His charisma
29. His brain
30. He's one of a kind, a true
(100%) original...I love him most for just being his wonerful

P.S. Thanks to Janet and Morelia from the "Nole forum" for helping me out a bit!
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