Monday, April 2, 2012

Nole's 30th title celebration

Today I just want to celebrate Nole's amazing achievement - 30 trophies!!! So let the party begin... 

smile_180 smile_180 smile_180 smile_180 



1. The smile

2. The brilliant game! smile_063

3. The fist pimp

4. The chest thumping


5. The animal roar


6. The head pointing


7. The celebration


8. The Halloween costume


9. His patriotism

10. His beautiful eyes


11. His humour and friendship with the other Serbian players

12. His graciousness in defeat.. Didnt want to put a pic for this one, it is not the time or place for a pic of Nole losing... smile_063

13. Nole and Jelena smile_006

14. The determination/desire to win (I love the "killer's eyes" in this photo)


15. His wonderful sense of humor

16. The big heart 
17. His overwhelming passion for winning

18. His humility 

19. The Impressions

21. Proving Lightning does strike twice in the same place - Flushing Meadows

20.  His life story

22. His love for his brothers 

23. His love for his fans

24. His sportsmanship (he's always gracious both in victory and defeat, applauds his opponents great shots...)

25. His humanitarian work (especially with/for kids in Serbia)

26. His faith


 27. His charisma

 28. The fit bod smile_215 smile_008 smile_114  smile_004 smile_227 smile_075 



29.  His brain

30. He's one of a kind, a true (100%) original...I love him most for just being his wonerful self!!! smile_084smile_065smile_128 smile_215smile_008 smile_114smile_004 smile_227 smile_075 smile_100 smile_101smile_218 smile_085smile_018
 smile_029 smile_029 smile_029


10 riddles about Nole and his 30 trophies (I know you don't have time for 30 riddles right? smile_225 ), the answer should be the tournament name + year (the answers are below but please don't cheat  smile_225 ):

1. Nole danced his way to the final in that tournament.

2. Nole may have had some help from a little friend (I think he was his lucky charm).

3. Nole "got flowers" at the ceremony.

4. Nole and his winner's plate were showered with confetti at the ceremony

5. Nole got a cactus as a prize.

6. So nice to beat your arch rival in his home town and steal his big gold trophy. smile_225

7. King Nole got a wand instead of a trophy.

8. Nole got a sweet smiling yellow fur dull inside his trophy.

9. Nole got a black spider, how can he hold it??? UGH! smile_140 I couldn't, I have a major fear of spiders (Arachnophobia)!

10. Ok, an easy one to finish - "Is this final ever going to end???"
! smile_063


1. USO 2011

2. Wimbledon 2011

3. Miami 2011

4. Belgrade 2009

5. IW 2008

6. Basel 2009

7. Madrid 2011

8. Beijing 2010

9. Paris 2009

10. AO 2012

P.S. Thanks to Janet and Morelia from the "Nole forum" for helping me out a bit!  smile_063


Betsy said...

Beautiful tribute to our Nole!

moran said...

Thank you Betsy :)

Billie said...

I saw it already, but I can look at this all day long and admire what our Nole has achieved. Thanks Moran:-)

moran said...

No need to thank me Billie, it was my pleasure :)